Focus on solutions:

Instead of solving problems from the past, we work with our clients to find solutions for the future.


Our very individually channelled work is strongly based on the clients own responsibility and initiative. Thus we orient ourselves toward the goals of our clients - an essential requirement for achieving this, as people can motivate themselves to attain their own goals (compare, "I want to improve in xy," with, "A wants me to improve in xy").


Clear agreements are needed

  • about the manner, extent and indicators of the goal
  • towards whose goal we are working in order to avoid manipulation (actual or felt) through coaching. For us, this is also an important criterion for either the acceptance or rejection of a mandate.
  • about possible contradictions between the goals of our clients and the contracting company
  • regarding who the involved persons / parties are. There can be mutual agreements between several parties (for example: client, personnel department, superiors, coach) when all involved agree

Discretion: The confidant

To be able to work effectively, the client relies upon absolute discretion regarding the subject matter and any verbal comment relating to it. Thus the coach becomes the confidant at the client’s side and not a hidden assessor. This is also a matter of course for the authorizing party when it regards someone other than the client himself (for example, personnel department, human resource development, management).

+49 151.14139439